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Speed-blogging for Vodafone Speedfest

 I am the biggest Indian fan of F1…
I have been following moto racing since I was just a kid….
I know each and every stat of F1, Moto GP, all the racing circuits by heart…

Whatever, I may write, I know and would prove within no time, that am mostly alien to sports and F1 is just one of them. So, why am I writing this Speedfest post in so much hurry? If it wouldn’t have been my ardent sports-fan roomie, my life would have been just around whatever they show on Discovery/NGC about F1 and not what they telecast live on ESPN. I know about Schumi, his brother, Vettel and of course the Hamilton, but in a geeky way
This rage-cartoon depicts how desperate I am ;)

So, what are the reasons?
  1. First and the foremost reason is - its F1! It’s all about adrenaline rush, and if you are given a chance to go on a lap with the Lewis Hamilton, for writing a Speedfest post, and you are just ‘thinking’ about it….Leave it I don’t want to abuse you! Nuts!
  2.  As an F1 is not just a car, it’s an epitome of the technological excellence, (again) who would ditch a chance to get a ride :)
  3.  Touching 100+kmph on your Bullet is so freaking, I just can’t imagine how it would be riding an F1 at 300kmph! Just wooooooooo……
  4. Neighbor’s envy, rider’s pride! ;O
  5. Yaar, when I define myself as the perfect example of ‘procrastination’ (with some 9-10 half read novels and 3-4 yet-to-be completed blogposts) and still writing a post (before going for another ‘important’ party tonight), do I actually need to defend myself for being the lucky Indiblogger! Epic!

(It's not just another written for just another Indiblogger Contest. This post may lead me to get a ride with Hamilton on Vodafone Speedfest!)

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