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Photo A Day Experiment (PADE) Day9 - Sharp

What else can you expect from a rider - when you shout Sharp

A sharp turn and an attempt to touch the limits. This one pic is from a series of shots I took for my rider friend near Amby Valley, he's in to performance biking - so I seriously caution not to try this on sharp turns... 

Shot using Nikon D500, 18-55 kit lens, f/5.6 1/400, I got a multi-shot series of the event. Once back to home will try to update the post with animated multi shot image.

You never know what life has set for you on the very next turn

What I learned from riding is that You never know what life has set for you on the very next turn, so try to live the present stretch of Life at its best...

This picture post is an Entry to PADE-2013, a month long Photo-blog event. To know more and participate, click here or here. Check themes here. 

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  1. That is one sharp, dangerous turn. I am adventurous in life but bike stunts scare the hell out of me!

  2. Hey if you use Indiblogger and have some time, check this out -

  3. beautiful capture with equally awesome lesson :) loved it Puneet !!

  4. Thanks for the appreciations :-) can't access Disqus on office network so replying collectively :-\

  5. Wow Punit...this is breathtaking!!! You are superb!!!!

  6. Is it that DDLJ wala forum talk, m following... Just not actively participating... :-P

  7. How is Camp NaNoWriNo going? I am slow but finally have been doing it. DDLJ's new script was a part of it ;)

  8. Able to complete daily word limit, was to ask you... Should I publish a part or say excerpt of it as a blog post??

  9. You can post it in a blogpost or publish a book or both, whatever suits you. I want to publish my ebooks so I will keep it all a secret till it gets published. Besides I'm not doing it religiously so it is all very raw :(

  10. I too am not writing directionally, just that maintaining a flow... Thinking to post a few hundred words as a post without revealing the plot... Vaise its a love story, and we all know what to expect when its a story about Love

  11. Well if you think about it like that, then every relationship - types of love - has been written about a million times or more. So does it mean it's that predictable? No it's your personal take on the story, the feelings of characters is various circumstances that makes any story special. So even if the guy is going to the girl in the end, everyone(including me) would want to know, how? :)
    And publishing a condensed version of your story on your blog might make people wonder the full story - which is another good thing.
    I don't know why I write such long comments whileI sometimes go blank while writing a blogpost :(

  12. Cha Gaye Punit bhai !! crisp capture !!

  13. awesome! wish I could ride my scooty like that! lol Nice click Punit, as always :)

  14. Thanks @Priyam Saikia :) I guess I know a guy who does all those adventure stuff on a Chetak scooter, if you want may search him for you... What say ;)


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